About Us
Music to Celebrate Spirit
A Spirit Singer sings from the heart. In the spirit of healing and inspiration this site offers music and videos for the body and soul. Musical creations from the heart can connect us with our deeper truth.
Sage passed on to other realms in 2019. He happily left behind a piece of himself and his life’s work to bring healing and joy.
Maya is now focused on teaching ancient palmleaf knowledge and techniques, to give upliftment through self healing and self-empowerment; hope and help in our challenging modern times.
Our musical creations are magical vehicles for transforming everyday life and offer a variety of musical moods. We use various instruments and styles to enter the magical musical realm of loving appreciation for life.
YOU TUBE- See two music videos of our music:
Om Mama Blessing Mantra & Kali Ma
Go to our Music page to listen now Don’t miss the clips from our Mantra Meets Melody CD.

More Of Our Adventures, Projects, Articles
Check out photos of our India Adventures.
To learn more about our India adventures or musings along our journey, visit Maya’s blog – Sweet Mystery Tour
Enjoy our video page!!!
Read More About Maya and Sage…
Read Maya’s article in “The Spiritual Significance of Music” From Extreme Music here
Contact us via email Love to hear from you!
Healing the Soul
As students of a wise and loving saint, Sri Kaleshwar, appreciation is shown through sharing Truth, Love, and dedication to lifting souls. This appreciation extends to the entire Divine Lineage of Sri Kaleshwar, and includes his “Big Bosses” Shirdi Baba, Jesus Christ; and Mother Divine. We studied a year in southern India at Sri Kaleshwar’s Soul University, and returned many times after that. Before Sri Kaleshwar took samadhi in 2012, he gave his blessings to share the Ancient Knowledge in our own culture.
Swami Kaleshwar said, “Once we’re on this planet the real purpose of life is to know the truth of why we’re here. Try to recognize the truth that’s permanent. Nobody can change it. Before you’re going to drop your body, try to see the reality. Do whatever you want and at the same time think what is the purpose that you came here. What is the life message you want to give the planet, this globe? Each soul has to be a great scientist, a soul scientist. You discovered something then you have to give your own style of message.”
Since Sage passed away in 2019, Maya is located in Sun City, Arizona. Her main focus these days is on sharing the teachings of Sri Kaleshwar for self-healing and self-realization. The more we understand and re-align ourselves with who we truly are, the more we can help others. She wants to share this path with those researching the soul, becoming healers, helpers, and change-agents.
“Grinding means the ability to work with people, to communicate with people. And also it means how much hard work you can do to serve the world. How much you’re willing to do the work.” Sri Kaleshwar
Sai Shakti Healing: Enjoy a “Coach the Spark” session to aquaint you with Maya’s spirit coaching. Maya is a Spirit Coach, she helps people to bring their deepest spark strongly into their life. Then through teamwork with the deep divine, self healing to clear heartache, disappointment, and disturbance and bring balance where the natural flow of brilliant true spirit can be fully present.
The Sai Shakti healing sessions use Swami Kaleshwar’s teachings based on understanding the information from the ancient palm leaf manuscripts and using the 5 elements of nature as the foundation to real healing, prosperity, and success in life.
Maya offers the 9 Holy Womb Purifications (in-person only) to clear the creativity chakra so people, both men and women, can create the life they deeply desire. She gives a Baby Blessing for Pregnant Mothers and a Family Blessing (in-person only)
Maya shares “distance healing” where the application of yantra and mantra to specific healing needs happens. Don’t hesitate to reach out when you are in need of some divine grace.
See about classes and healings on the Healing Page
Baba’s Big Family ~ There are many teachers,events, home temples, process groups, centers, churches/temples springing up in the United States and all over the world. To find out more, visit Sri Kaleshwar’s website and Divine Lineage Healing Center in Laytonville, CA.